Running a daycare can be one of the hardest businesses to run by yourself. There are lots of responsibilities to take care of. With the crazy schedules and balancing acts you need to keep, marketing is just one more task you’d rather not have to worry about scheduling.
Why not make a marketing calendar to help?
An Annual Marketing Calendar will help map out your activities for the year. Here is an example of a marketing calendar that you can use. Just modify it to suit your needs.
January – Prepare your posts for your blog/website (you DO have one, right?) for the year. Write out post titles and go back monthly to write posts.
February – Write your press releases and guest post for local kid related businesses website.
March – Order marketing kid tshirts for park field trips to “adertise” business.
April – Put out yard sign. Print out flyers for outdoor hangups.
May – Post to Craigslist for summer school aged kids program.
June – Send out new press release announcing your book fundraiser.
July – Post to Craigslist for fall openings.
August – Send out newsletter to parents announcing fall openings. Have open house for potential parents.
September – Check for reorder of marketing material (pens, business cards, etc.)
October – Prepare for Halloween marketing “treats” bags for trick or treating.
November – Volunteer for Toys 4 tots and other services.
December – Post to Craigslist and put up flyers for New Years Eve sitting services for extra money and potential parents. Prepare Marketing Calendar for next year.